“What’s in your drinking water?” This question was asked
recently by The Washingtonian in a very well-written article which focused on
the quality of water in and around Washington, D.C. The city gets its water
from the Potamac River, a surface water source (Minneapolis and St Paul get
theirs from another surface source, the Mississippi River). The article noted:
In tests conducted by the USGS between 2003 and 2005, trace amounts of 26 chemical compounds were detected in Potomac River water, including the herbicide 2,4-D, a component of Agent Orange, and insecticides including DEET. Atrazine, a chemical commonly used in weed killers, has been associated with intersex in amphibians and has been found in many rivers, including the Potomac. Studies revealed that male frogs exposed to atrazine produce eggs in their testes, the same phenomenon seen with intersex fish.
The whole article can be read by clicking
Haferman Water Conditioning makes sure to know what’s in
your drinking water, and how to best remove these foreign objects. There are
many different contaminants that can be found in tap water, and here are some
of the most common:
The level of arsenic in groundwater widely varies, and is
the result of rock formations that contain the contaminant. Very low levels are
not harmful, but high levels can damage skin and increase the risk of cancer.
This is a chemical found most often in manure,
fertilizers and the liquid waste emptied from septic tanks. Nitrate often
affects well water systems that are shallow, not very well constructed or not
properly located. If ingested, it can be hazardous, especially for small
children and pregnant women.
Microorganisms include bacteria and viruses that can
cause illness, and death in the most severe cases. The microorganisms found in
drinking and tap water are the result of animal and human waste products washed
into bodies of water. These are usually treated by municipal water systems, so
it’s rare to find a case of contamination from these microbes. Water systems
are required to test for contaminants that can indicate waste products,
including e. coli and coliform, which are not permitted in public drinking
water supplies.
Other common contaminants
- Radioactivity (Radon)
- Methane
- Lead
- Chromium
- Calcium
- Aluminum
- Chloride
- Fluoride
Please visit our page on Twin Cities
Kinetico Water Filters for more information.